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All reviews - Movies (74)


Posted : 10 years, 7 months ago on 5 August 2014 08:39 (A review of Erin Brockovich)

Might be the one and the only movie by Steven Soderbergh that i actually like, he's an over-glorified hack who makes shitty overrated movies like Traffic, The Informant!, Contagion, and the extremely overrated Ocean's trilogy.

Actual Review
It's an inspirational movie about a single mom with 3 kids played by Julia Roberts as she fights to get a job.
The movie was very well executed and very entertaining, Julia Roberts carried this movie like Daniel day Lewis carried There will be blood, she was gorgeous and beautiful along with the equally fantastic performance by Albert Finney.
After being in a car accident, she decided to sue the guy who slammed her car, and after losing the case, she becomes broke, so she decide to work for her lawyer, and as she go through many paper work, she noticed a water contamination case done by Pacific Gas & Electric Company, so she start to investigate this incident and interview people effected by this contamination and decide to sue PG&A, and end up winning 333 million dollars as a payback to all the damages PG&A did to the people.
The movie is based on a true story and that lawsuit was the biggest in American history and i loved every minute of that movie.

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Posted : 10 years, 7 months ago on 5 August 2014 01:01 (A review of Iron Man 3)

i usually don't review movies based on comics because they all are the same, big budget clusterfuck with enormous plot mistakes, shitty stories and flat out terrible performances, but i'm gonna go out on the limb here cause this fucking movie made 1.2 billion dollars.
A lot of people watched it because of robert downey jr, and yeah i get it, he's charming and funny, and carried out the franchise all by himself, but please try not to be biased and let's talk about the movie, it was horrible, the story was weak, forced and have absolutely no events going on, Ben Kingsley delivered an insultingly terrible performance along with Guy Pearce who lost his acting capabilities over the years, so what we have here is completely unnecessary sequel other than to cash-in on the "die-hard-fans" and it succeeded doing so since it was the most successful movie of 2013.
The movie had so many plot errors as if it was shot each scene at a time, with no connection to the other scene, tony stark get sick at a times, and becomes fine at another times so randomly, it was down right annoying, and let's not forget the shitty jokes, and the fact that he made a joke 5 seconds after his wife fall down and supposed to be dead, also the random narration that comes and goes in random times, look i get it, the movie might be "fun to watch" but from a production perspective it was terrible just like the 2nd one and the fact that people are supporting this movie and overrate it, means that we will have Iron Man 4 and 5 and.......because Hollywood is going to be greedy and "fans" still gonna support it.

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Great Story.

Posted : 10 years, 7 months ago on 2 August 2014 03:22 (A review of Heaven Is for Real)

I was really interested in seeing the Hollywood aspect of this story, i have read so much about it since i saw the trailer, and i knew too much before even watching the movie.
There's a reason why this movie was over-looked and bashed by critics, and the movie says it itself "Most people are too afraid of knowing that it could be true because they haven't lived their lives as if there was a heaven" and that's really great moral.
I'm a Religious person myself and i was really moved by the real story (not the movie), but let's be realistic for a sec, i don't believe that this story will change your life, but it might gives you a reality check and makes you see things differently, and that's what people are afraid of, they don't want others to tell them how they should live, they don't want to know that there's a judgment day and everything you did or will do will be counted, in fact most people would just ignore the story and pretend that that didn't happen, or say it's "Propaganda" and move on.
So putting all this aside let's talk about the movie.

Actual Review
The story is well-known and inspirational, but the movie drags along too much, i mean how many times we saw them go to sleep and wake up, and how many scenes were there that didn't contribute to the plot? and let's not forget the bad dialog, i mean in most cases the screenplay was bad, and tends to be mediocre at best, and remember in the 90 movies when someone is giving an over dramatic speech and the director gives you a look of the people reacting to the speech? well.......this movie have that, and it was bad, i mean it failed to deliver the dramatic moments and there weren't any intense scenes.
Aside from that, and i'm sorry to say this but Connor Corum (the child who played Colton) was bad, because it isn't just about the look (cute), that child should have delivered a believable performance and now that i think about it, the performances weren't that great overall, even from Greg Kinnear (which i really love and i always felt that he's an underrated actor) which is sad thing to say.
This movie earn points for me for being brave, because we live in society nowadays that would easily believe in a twisted conspiracy theory than believing in God, and at the end of the day, this movie really gives you something to think about which is kinda the whole point.

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A Masterpiece.

Posted : 10 years, 7 months ago on 1 August 2014 12:39 (A review of Noah)

If this movie was released in 2013, i would easily say it's my favorite movie of the year, also Darren Aronofsky best work.
I was so excited about this movie, but i never thought that it would be that good, seriously Russell Crowe was fantastic, he was charming, strong and cruel, Jennifer Connelly delivered a beautifully, heartbreaking performance, Emma Watson was shockingly good, along with the equally good performances by Logan Lerman and Douglas Booth.
The movie was visually stunning in a way that you can't really ask for more than what you see, Darren Aronofsky Co-wrote, Co-Produced and Directed this movie, which makes him up there with martin scorsese and other wonderful film makers, and lets not forget the ballsy decision of making a biblical epic that would eventuality be a "Controversial" movie.
The story was strong and beautiful, and my favorite scene is when Noah starts telling the story of Genesis through a beautifully well executed music and stunning visuals, and there was some seriously beautiful shots through out the movie along with Clint Mansell music.
I loved every frame and i have no idea why people are complaining.

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Below Average.

Posted : 10 years, 7 months ago on 30 July 2014 04:30 (A review of The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007))

It's a western movie which isn't my favorite genre, but the reason i get into it because i love Casey Affleck, and he was nominated for an academy award for this part, so i thought, this should be interesting.
The Movie is about this guy Jesse James, the legend, the train robber/Bank robber, the thief, the guy who kills public figures and politicians, unfortunately the movie doesn't give you a look of any of that, the only thing you see is a single train robbery by a gang led by Jesse James and his old brother frank, and the robbery doesn't seem interesting at all, there weren't enough details about it or better yet, the director didn't spend much on that scene.
After the robbery, you get to see Robert Ford, the younger brother to five, the vulnerable guy, the guy who has been trashed his whole life, and no body takes him seriously, the guy who spent many years reading about Jesse and wanting to meet him and he get a chance to do that because his brother participated in the robbery with Jesse.
Robert always try to prove himself, try to mimic Jesse and learn from him, but nobody takes him seriously, so after Jesse escape town, the police put a ransom on his head, and robert decided to go for it, since Jesse already refused robert help in the robberies they do.
So after two and a half hours, the story is interesting and good, but there are Huge missing elements, first is Prad pitt performance, like i said before, he played Jesse James, the legend that you keep hearing about him before even seeing him, so you'd expect a middle aged, dark and mature man to play that character, but instead, you get a disappointing performance from brad pitt, i mean he wasn't terrible, but that shoes was really hard to fill, brad pitt got the accent right but he wasn't intimidating or dark, scary like he should be, you will see the other cast scarred of every word he says and you know that they're not reacting to brad pitt, they're reacting to what brad pitt should be, point being is that brad pitt was out of place in this movie and THAT'S a major flop that brought the movie to a lower level.
For me i would appreciated if Sam Shepard played Jesse instead of Brad pitt (Sam played Frank, Jesse older brother).
The other flop is the narration which was completely unnecessary and felt weird for the most parts, i mean the guy was literally narrating what we can see on the screen, so it didn't add anything to the story.
Aside from the good story, the only other thing that lift this movie is the supporting cast performances (all of them) aside from that the beautiful performance by Casey Affleck, i'd never expect him to deliver such a performance but he played the character so good, that i wasn't able to shut the movie down, which what i was thinking the whole time.

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Posted : 10 years, 7 months ago on 28 July 2014 05:16 (A review of My Left Foot: The Story of Christy Brown (1989))

A heart warming movie about Christy Brown, a guy born with severe cerebral palsy, a neurological disorder which left him almost entirely spastic in his limbs, meaning that he can't use his both hands and rely entirely on his feet to write and paint.
Born in a working class family, a family with 7 kids and he's the only disabled one, his mom raise money for years to buy a wheelchair for him, the movie shows the family struggling through live and as daniel day lewis take the leading role, the movie is really enjoyable as he played the character in a way that no-one ever could, he makes the character shines through the movie, even though he can't talk or move his lips for along time or even control the down part of his face, Daniel achieved something so mesmerizing which was smiling with his eyes, something that nobody ever predicted.
Aside from the beautiful story, Brenda Fricker delivers an equally fantastic performances as his mom, the movie is so strong and so inspirational that its major mistake not to watch it.

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Posted : 10 years, 7 months ago on 28 July 2014 04:49 (A review of Prisoners)

One of my favorite movies of 2013, and really an underrated movie that you don't want to miss.
The story is full of mystery as two girls in a small village kidnapped in brought daylight and the families starts a massive search for them and then arrest a suspect that had mental problems and can't tell them anything.
The movie had fantastic performances by Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal as they show a great character development over the events.
The movie is over two hours, although it seemed a bit slow but everything counts in this movie and contribute to the story.
The end was very creative and very surprising at the same time, this movie deserve a second look to fully appreciate everything about it.

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Posted : 10 years, 7 months ago on 28 July 2014 04:38 (A review of Pan's Labyrinth)

Guillermo del Toro first movie that I've seen, i was planning to watch Pacific rim, but decided to watch his old movies first, and i'm glad i did, the movie is amazing.
The Special effects were beautiful executed and felt so real even though the creatures aren't real (don't ask me how).
I really like the way that he mixed reality with fairytale, mixing an actual war with a fairytale balanced that movie and made it likable, aside from that the story was beautiful, the performances was also great and this is really an amazing movie that you don't want to miss.

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Posted : 10 years, 7 months ago on 28 July 2014 04:29 (A review of This Is the End)

Out of nowhere, i thought that this movie is going to suck so hard, that it would made me laugh (unintentionally).
But i was so wrong, that i kept laughing (intentionally) all the way, from the very beginning to the very end, every scene was hilarious, i had no idea that i would laugh at a stupid story and bizarre plot like this, but it was beautifully executed that it was nearly impossible not to laugh.
I mean the chemistry between those actors, and the variety of characters, and the presence of people like Rihanna, Kevin Heart, Emma Watson, Michael Cera and many many more, made it a blast.
The best thing about it is that those guests that i mentioned above did't feel forced into the movie, they made a short cameo and that's it, also each character was perfectly well written that this movie made me like Danny McBride and Craig Robinson and i used to hate these guys, seriously, the movie gives you a feeling that they're not just making a movie, they're having too much fun AND making a movie, it seems as somebody was vlogging a real party made by those guys.
The very weird thing about this movie (aside from the story) is the fact that they used their real names and real characters, i mean they made fun of others based on their real characters and movies, like Danny Mcbride tell Seth rogan that this is a better performance than all his recent movies and where was that in the the green hornet, implying that that movie sucked and seth rogan performance sucked, i find it a ballzy move by those actors to take insult based around their actual choices, but it was funny nonetheless.
Also it was Seth rogan debut as a director, that guy is in the right place, surrounded by the right people and have a wonderful future coming up next, and he's only like 30 years old, holy shit, i can't wait for his upcoming movies.

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Posted : 10 years, 7 months ago on 28 July 2014 04:05 (A review of Midnight Cowboy)

The infamous x-rated best picture really shows how movie evolved over the years, i mean to think that this movie got an x-rating for few random hallucination scenes that showed a little bit of nudity, nothing major and no full frontal, while today in 2013, a movie like the wolf of wall street get an R-Rating, although it had full frontal nudity, graphic violence and used the F word more that 500 times.
The movie was beautiful, i don't remember watching a movie with Jon Voight that i actually enjoyed other than this, he was really a good actor, and let's not forget the great performance by dustin hoffman, and the great chemistry between the two.
The story is really heart-warming as Joe buck travel to New York thinking about becoming a "Hustler" basically fuck women and get paid for it, he worked as a dish washer in a restaurant in Texas and raised money to travel, as he arrive in New york, he find it really different from what he was expecting, as he wonder off the street looking for women and find no-one to be interested in him, because of his cowboy outfit, and then he ran into dustin hoffman, playing as a small time thug who steal money from him and send him to a gay old man.
This incident effected Joe buck so much, that he becomes homophobic, he becomes out of money and have no place to live, the movie give you a great taste of character development as joe begin to realize what he's become.
He ran into Dustin hoffman again and they become friends, staying in abandoned apartment, living a shitty live, stealing food for living and dreaming of glory.
The movie have a sad ending which i won't spoil but at the same time, it had a great message and it was very entertaining, and let's not forget that song "everybody talkin", it was beautiful.

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