"Great list, unpredictable and obviously you like classics like me, also the sixth sense is one of the best things I've seen too."

"so, this is top 10 or top 11 ? Also Dumb and Dumber should be watched in film school, REALLY?"

"i fell in love with her when she performed read all about it at the closing ceremony of London Olympics. Great list."

"Great list. I've seen Precious about 9 times, simply because of Mo'Nique performance that makes it so real. Requiem for a dream, is a movie that i can't watch again."

"unfortunately RWJ retired =3 two days ago, it was a good show. good list except for Toby turner, i can't stand that guy."

"i don't know what was your intention when you made this list, maybe to piss people off, but you can't just tag films as useless. movies are there to fill out a purpose, yes sometimes the execution is "

"because rating a movie out of 10 is too mainstream nowadays, so you have to use what i like to call "The encrypt ratings". you provided two numbers per film and i still have no idea about how much you"

"This list is random, stupid and pointless. First you have to define worst, and 2nd you could've at least mentioned why these movies are not to your liking. Also J.Edgar and Avatar are the worst movies"

"Iron man 2 is too far away from anything legendary."

"Matt Damon on Sarah Palin was hilarious, also Pink was right about Kanye West, he is a piece of shit."

"Now, i haven't seen 87% of these movies, but i like the fact that it's unpredictable, because most of the people favorite movies are predictable, for example: The Godfather The Lord of the rings ect.."

"The Prestige was light years better than battman begins, and The Fighter is the best thing Christian Bale ever did, i know you haven't seen it yet, but he's the lead character in it and he won an osca"

"Great list man, i haven't seen EDTV is it good ?"